
投稿日時 2008-03-02 | カテゴリ: お知らせ


A Proposal for Reforming Cannabis Control under the International Treaties

Cannabis Control Law Victim Center(THC Japan)

Cannabis is a strictly controlled plant as well as coca and poppy under the regulation of international treaties such as the 1961 Convention and the 1988 United Nations Convention. Quite a few scientific reports, however, have proved that cannabis is much less harmful than heroin and cocaine, and some suggested even than alcohol. As its goodness, it is widely known that use of cannabis causes relief of mental stress, enhancement of homeostatic function. Some reported that it shows effects on the pain of multiple sclerosis and terminal cancer, on the loss of appetite and body caused by the progressive wasting syndrome of HIV carriers, and the dependence of alcohol. Moreover, it is expected that cannabis can be applied as a reliever to syndromes of mobility impairment, physical drug dependence, neuronal disorder and psychiatric disease. Despite its legal status, it has actually been prescribed as a medicine to a various diseases in some countries.



In many developed countries, especially in Europe, police does not arrest for the personal possession of cannabis. These policies, which literally conflict with the international drug treaties, are attributable to scientific findings about the physical risk of cannabis and harm reduction effects to solve other drug problems. On the other hand, prohibition has created drug-related organized crimes and increased the law enforcement cost, losing the public credibility for the policy's effectiveness. We see quite a few public demands for reforming the international drug policies to address drug problems more practically.

先進諸国の間では、大麻の健康への影響に関する最新の科学的知見、個人の価値観を尊重する考え方などに基づいて、薬物の害削減政策(ハームリダクション政策)として、個人的な使用目的の大麻の少量の所持については、逮捕しない政策を採用している国も多いが、栽培を禁止している国際条約との軋轢もある。 現在の禁止政策は、犯罪組織への莫大な不正利益の供給や取締りに費やされるコストの増大、各国の国民の薬物政策への信頼性の低下など、様々な問題が生じており、現在の国際条約を改めるよう求める声が上がっている。

In Japan, cultivation and use of cannabis for recreational purposes in any form leads to a prison term under the zero-tolerance policy backed by the prohibitive international treaties. Only a person acquired the hemp grower's license can grow cannabis licitly. However, it is limited only for industrial purposes and rarely issued by the authorities. Same strict prohibition is applied to the use for medical purposes. These prohibitive policies have consequently spawned a number of social problems in this country such as the expansion of the underground economy and, proportionately, its law enforcement cost, and, above all, violation of human rights of personal users and depriving therapeutical opportunities from medical cannabis patients.


It seems clear that these problems are attributable to the overestimate and the misconception about actual harm of cannabis. The control under the international treaties, which doesn't hold the consistency with recent scientific findings, has to be reformed to make drug policy work properly. As the United Nations defined the year 2008 as "Year of Reflection", holding meetings to review its drug policy of the past decade, we think it is a time to reflect the policy with a precise recognition of current situation around this natural plant.

現在の日本国の大麻政策が引き起こす様々な問題が、古い国際条約による大麻の規制と政府の古い情報に基づく大麻の有害性の過大評価や認識の誤りに起因することは明らかである。現在の国際条約による大麻の規制は、大麻に関する最新の知見と照らし合わせて考えると論理的整合性を欠く内容であり、これを改めなければ大麻問題の根本的な解決や適正に機能する薬物政策の実行は不可能である。2008年、国連は、この1年を「反省と熟慮の年」(Year of Reflection)とすることを明言しており、過去10年間の薬物政策を総括し、新しい政策を話し合う会議が開催されることから、古い国際条約に起因する大麻問題の根本的な解決に向けて、国連麻薬委員会に対し以下のとおり提言する。

1. 日本国の大麻政策の現状と問題点
The Current Japanese Cannabis Policy and Its Problems

1.1 大麻政策の現状
Current Policy

Using prohibitive international treaties as a basis for domestic legislation, the Japanese authorities

1) have banned noncommercial use, cultivation and distribution with prison term regardless of its amount and purpose.

2) have banned application and delivery of cannabis-based medicines for medical purpose with prison term.

3) have conducted public campaign aiming to reinforce the stereotype that cannabis is a dangerous narcotic.

4) have rarely issued the hemp grower's license for licit industrial purpose even with due procedures.

5) have conducted the eradication project of wild cannabis in the name of "crusade against illicit cannabis".






1.2 大麻政策の問題点

1) Human rights are violated by sentencing prison term for noncommercial use, possession and cultivation of cannabis: a plant apparently less harmful than cigarettes.

2) Criminals controlling market has expanded keeping cannabis users contact with hard drug dealers.

3) The potency of cannabis as a substitute for more harmful drugs is ignored.

4) The law enforcement cost to crack down on cannabis-related crimes is not worth the physical harm of cannabis itself.

5) Choice of treatment of medical cannabis patients is jeopardized by sentencing prison term for application, delivery and use of cannabis-based medicine in any form.

6) Banning application of cannabis for addiction treatment deprives people, who have dependency on drugs such as alcohol, nicotine and metha-amphetamine, of effective opportunity to recover.

7) The exaggerated messages about physical harm of cannabis from authorities have little scientific basis. They confuse young people deteriorating the reliability of government information about drugs as a whole.

8) The factual errors about cannabis has led to human rights violation in cannabis court cases, keeping judges give offenders inappropriate heavy sentences.

9) The high applicative potentiality of cannabis as a natural resource cannot be developed by keeping grower's license application rejected.

10) Wild cannabis eradication project made an insect, hemp-longicorn, face almost certain extinction.











2 国連麻薬委員会への提言
Proposal for the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs

It is clear that negative effects of ongoing cannabis control are bigger than the natural harm of cannabis itself. We must say that the Japanese cannabis policy is quite irrational and unfunctional. Since long-time-unrenewed international treaties provide supportive account to Japanese authorities as a justification for their policy, we hereby make following three proposals to the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

1. International regulations of cannabis should be reexamined objectively with latest findings from pharmaceutical, medical and social sciences.

2. Individual rights of cultivation, possession and use of cannabis for personal and medical use should be granted.

3. The basic idea for international cannabis control should be changed from zero-tolerance policy to one based on harm-reduction philosophy.






