
Corne   28 years old NL

In 1991, I had a car accident when the car left the road and rolled down the embankment. As a result I suffer from a double hernia. At this point, I came into contact with marihuana and that proved to be amazingly effective against the pain. It made me feel relaxed. It also calmed my thoughts down. My doctor prescribed medicines that didn't provide these effects, but made me tense. They made me a bit too tense and that wasn't good. I started smoking marihuana and that worked perfectly. It worked so well that I couldn't stop using it.

I had tried to smoke weed before, but that hadn't been a success. Drinking and smoking dope don't go well together. I puked my guts out and hadn't tried smoking since. One day, after the accident, I ran into my friend Ramon, my buddy- At a certain point he said: "Come on, we're going to smoke a joint." That's when it started. I thought to myself "Gosh, I feel really good." Now I've gone a step further. I'm growing my own, because I want to have my own weed and to ensure that I have an adequate supply.

After the accident, I visited my family physician. He removed the glass from my back that had come from the smashed rear window and he told me I could go home. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with me. 'Nice doctor, that', I remember thinking, 'just telling me to walk home'. I went back to the cafe, where we had been at the beginning of the evening and asked if someone could take me home. I didn't go to hospital.

A year or two later, I started having terrible pains in my back and suspected that something was wrong. They took x-rays, but couldn't see anything unusual. Then they did an MRI-scan and it turned out that I had a double hernia, between the fourth and fifth vertebrae and between my shoulder blades. I spent seven years fighting the insurance company and finally won. They had to acknowledge that the hernia had been caused by the car accident and they paid up. After all, I had not been able to work for seven years.

I had suffered from back problem ever since the car accident. I saw many doctors, one of them a chiropractor. That treatment did ease the pain a little, but I stopped visiting him around three years ago. The family physician pre- scribed a drug called Diclofenac. What kind of stuff is that? It didn't calm me down at all and didn't do much to ease the pain, either. It made me feel really tense and anxious, so actually it had the opposite effect of what it was supposed to do.

When I smoked that joint, I felt a lot better. Now I 03y use the medicines when it gets really bad, but they just don't work, so there isn't really any point in taking them. They're lying at the bottom of a drawer, waiting to be thrown out. My doctor won't cooperate. He doesn't like this weed thing because his view is,'we don't use what we don't know!' I used his medicine for two years, but that stuff doesn't work if you ask me. The medicines caused stomach problems and I thought to myself 'stop using this crap, it's not good for you.' I stopped using all my medicines and just carried on smoking marihuana. This works better for me.

I honestly don't know if it's because of the weed, but I definitely feel a lot better. I am working four days a week. This makes me very happy, because sitting at home, stuck between four walls, drove me crazy. I was receiving social security payments. One fine day I went to see them and asked them if they could find me a job. That's when the ball started to roll and eventually I got a job. The job is pretty demanding, physically, but I can make it as hard as I want to. We have a little car with a crane on it, so it doesn't have to be hard. But I do get the urge to lift something occasionally,just to see if I can and, more to the point, I want to mow how my back is doing.

Apart om that, I'm glad to be smoking weed. I would never have imagined how nice it is to have a marihuana plant growing in your garden. It's amazing: one little plant becomes a bush that can grow to two meters high! I smoke about twelve grams a week from this bush and buy a little extra once in a while for a change.
