Marihuana and the Treatment of an 8-years-old Child with Multiple Psychiatric Diagnoses
Debbie Jeffries
The psychiatric history of Debbie Jeffries' son suggests a complicated, multi- diagnosis
developmental disorder. Mrs Jeffrines, after learning about cannabis as a medicines
decided that, given its limited toxicity, she had little to lose in exploring the possibility
that it might be helpful to her son where other, more toxic medicines had failed. The
remarkable success she and her son achived with marihuana is certain to generate
controversy. Jeff has been diagnosed with just about everything, starting from the
age of 2, with: ADHD, PTSD, OCD, ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder),
IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder), CD (Conduct Disorder) Bi-polar disorder,
etc. Over 16 doctors have tried Jeff on every medication under the sun.... adderall,
carbamazepine, clonazapam, clonidine, depakote, dexedrine, guanficine, imipramine,
melleril, neurontin, propranolol, risperdal, ritalin, seroquel, wellbutrin, zolft, and
zyprexa.... and then combinations of these medications too. NOTHING worked, and
most had adverse side affects and reactions. We have also tried numerous behavioral
modifications, therapies, and governmental agencies that specialize in treatment of
special needs kids, but to no avail.
In the beginning of Jan. 2000, he was placed into a residential facility for
over a year (that was so hard for me to be away om him, unable to give
him night-night kisses), and failed a level 12 program. They were going to
ship him to a Institution across the states and I told them "NOAY!; give
me one more chance to try to get him straightened out before I have to
give up on him. They brought him home and we had social services in our
home, around the clock, to help keep Jeff under control. In May, we had
.an emergency IEP because he was AY out of control and a danger to
students and teachers again at his special ed school for conduct disorder and
emotionally disturbed children (now that is scary when they could no6 even
handle him), and I was given 30 days to come up with a solution.
I had been studying the effects of marijuana since my students last year
did a report for speech and debate. In it, we had learned that it had been
used dating back to the ancient years for mental disorder- I then took on
my own research and searched all articles I could find: doctors, groups,
etc....and thought it just might work for my son too. I contacted WAMM
and Valerie Leveroni Corral (the Director) listened to me. She asked me to
send documents on Jeff, and then she put me in touch with a doctor who
was a pediatric specialist, but also knew about medicinal marijuana. The only
thing was that it had never been tested on children for mental illness, but he
was willing to prescribe it for Jeff, uncertain if it would work or not. We set
an appointment for the doctor to meet and see Jeff.
Let me note here, I have never used drugs and was very uneducated until my
study on the positive effects medicinal marijuana has. It is natural, and does
not harm my son's body, unlike all the other medications he had been on.
ell, we first got the medication in the form of muffins. Jeff had to eat a
l/4 of a muffin 2 times a day (as a starting point) and we were to adjust
accordingly, under the doctors' care, as with any other medication. Within a
1/2 hour of ingesting> I had a new child, I kid you not. We were driving to
school, and as I merged into a new lane of highway traffic, Jeff looked over
at me and slimed, his grip loosened and he said,"Mommy, I feel happy, not
angry, and my head doesn't feel like a traffic jam"! Now that was profound
coming om a T year old. That day at school his report home was wonderful,
with no aggression and he was very compliant and re-directable.
May 21st was the first day of Jeff's life, literally! I now have an 8-year-o1d son
who is stabilizing on this his medicinal marijuana. Socially and emotionally,
Jeff is about 2 years old, but is progressing now. For the first time, he is able to
receive therapy to help him on issues. He is not aggressive, is able to follow
directions (for the most part....he is only 8 "smile") and is a fun-loving kid
who also for the first time has friends. He had his very first birthday pa'`y
this fall, able to invite friends who actually came!
This is a miracle. Granted it will not "cure" everything, but again, it allows
him to be able to participate in therapy. Being around him now, most of the
time you would think he is just a typical child, not one who has had a life of
hell, been over-medicated so badly that he had to be admitted to the hospital
to detox m, almost dying from the toxicity of the other medications the
doc had him on.
Ironically, even after I was so upfront with Jeff's treatment, or even plans of
starting him on the medicinal marijuana, social services gave me thumbs up
with going forward on medical exploration. It wasn't for a month and a 1/2
later that they filed a report to CPS who took me to court with allegations
of being an unfit mom because I was contributing marijuana to my child.
Under Prop 215, here in CA, it is EGAL to give medicinal marijuana to
a patient who is severely ill. Jeff qualified as severely ill, nothing else had
worked and I was about to lose him to an institution. Finally on December
q, it was ruled that I could continue giving my son his medicinal marijuana.
It was a landmark court ruling because it has never been used before in
children. Medicinal marijuana was and is the only thing to have ever,
ever been used on my son that gave him the chance of a normal life. I beg
everyone to write congress to get this passed federally. How many more
children (and adults too suffer with mental illness and have come to the end
of the road....or what seems like the end of the road, when there could be a
simple answer....MEDICINA MARIUANA.
e now give Jeff the medicine in the form of capsules It is a tedious process,
but again, I would go to the ends of the earth for my son. My mother helps
me make it every week for him. We grind up the marijuana in a coffee
grinder, sift it, put it on the skillet for an hour with butter and water o cook
it, then we spread it out in a big lasagna type pan and bake it in the oven
to dry it back out to a powder so that we can put it into capsules. It takes
over 5 hours to do the entire process- I would love to patent this process, but
don't know how.