Pfeiffer's Disease

Sandra   33 years old, NL

I got Pfeiffer's disease when I was sixteen years old. During that time, I was always smoking dope with a group of friends and I didn't really do anything else. I was always very tired because of Pfeiffer's disease. Eventually, I got fed up with the life I was living.

I moved to Amsterdam to get away om that circle of friends. I was trying to quit smoking marihuana, but found it very hard to do so. I had also been using all kinds of other drugs and I stopped using them from one day to the next. But I just couldn't give up weed, because it gave me such a very pleas- ant feeling.

I had always been very energetic as a child, but had been inactive ever since I got Pfeiffer's disease. I was often very tired and thought that I should quit, because maybe the tiredness was caused by weed. hen I was twenty I finally managed to stop. I wasn't using anything, not even cigarettes or alcohol. I got a job and was leading a regular life, but it didn't really change anything. I was still feeling very tired and the tiredness was only getting worse. Then I started smoking weed again, because it made me feel good. I was able to relax more and this helped me to not worry about things from work.

The tiredness remained and at twenty-six I was diagnosed as having MS. Then, for a while, nothing was really clear. I had MS, smoked weed every day, but remained very tired. I was wondering whether the tiredness was caused by my illness or because of smoking.

I cut back on smoking weed once more, but I noticed that smoking less made me very restless. And I remained just as tired. So I decided for myself that smoking was good. I was always exhausted When I came back from work. I was not only tired, but tense as well. After I had a cup of tea and a joint, I would still be tired but I could relax and that's very agreeable. I started using marihuana in a more conscious way. I tried to establish a connection between my illness and smoking weed and found out that there is a positive correlation. Marihuana allows you to give yourself a chance to rest.

hen I don't smoke weed, I get restless and sometimes feel dissatisfied about my day. There are things I would like to do, but it's not possible- I know many people with MS who have a lot of pain and they tell me that the pain stops when they smoke weed. I never have pain, but I do have a balance disorder and numbed areas on my body.

Smoking weed helps me to relax. MS just asks for this. I don't use any other medicines. I just go for treatments once in a while. I went for clay treatment the other day. I don't know if that can influence the disease in any way, but the healthier your body, the better- I eat well and keep fit, as far as possible. I think this also improves your health considerably.

I got a patient pass a week ago, which enables me to buy weed at half price. My boyfriend and I always grew our own, but that's gone now. The police pulled our plants out of the ground! My parents mow that I use weed as a medicine and my mother really supports the idea. She thinks it's great. My father also sees how I have been functioning throughout the years and now he approves as well.

I smoke around three grams a week. Last night I smoked a lot with my boyfriend, but I can't handle that anymore. I usually roll a joint with very little in it and that can last me for hours. It seems as though I have started needing less-That is good for my peace of mind. It's as if I'm getting closer to myself. Weed is effective in a spiritual way too.

I'm studying at the moment. You often hear that smoking weed is bad for your memory. I can tell you that this is not true. I am a good student and have no trouble memorising things. It doesn't bother me at all. I think that smoking weed is actually helping me, because I am calmer and that gives me more space in my head to take in new things. I never smoke during the day. Oy in the evening or when I have a day off, but never when I'm at school.

Seeing a marihuana plant awakens good feelings within me. It really is a plant to have feelings about. I carry everything that has to do with this plant in my heart, especially its medicinal benefits. It is something that nature is just giving us and you can do a lot with it.
