
Hemp is a carbohydrate, hemp is wood, hemp is a renewable, sustainable resource that can help get the world off of the fossil fuel  train that is heading off the steep cliff of disaster.  None of the arguments for a new and better resource, justifies neglecting efforts to cut down on resource consumption. We need to recycle virtually everything possible, including greenhouse gasses. We can do this by using hemp.

Hemp is wood, and wood makes paper. Wood also makes wood alcohol or methanol by dry distillation or pyrolysis. "Pyrolysis has been used since the dawn ofcivilization. Ancient Egyptians practiced wood distillation by collecting the tars and pyroligneous acid for use in their embalming industry." (From Energy Farming in America, by Lynn Osburn).

Hemp is wood. These sun-bleached sticks are called hemp hurds, which U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Bulletin 404, 1918, says makes fine paper, fine enough for book stock. And wood for wood alcohol, wood for plastics, and wood to burn for energy,

Methanol is used to produce formaldehyde (from which resins and plastics can be made), methyl-ter-butyl ether (MTB, a replacement for lead as an octane-booster in gasoline), vinyl acetate (largely used in paint manufacture), and gasoline. When pure, methanol is a colorless, flammable liquid with a pleasant odor, and is highly poisonous.

Ethanol which can also be produced from hemp, is used as a raw material in the manufacture of ether, chloral, and iodoform.  It can also be added to gasoline, where it improves the performance of the engine, or be used as a fuel in its own right. Crops such as sugar cane may also be grown to provide ethanol (by fermentation) for this purpose.

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