
Cut and boiled hemp in trays, to be blended into pulp to make the boards in the foreground.  Homegrown tomatoes and a hemp light-cord pull.  The pulp was boiled eight hours, then put in a kitchen blender in small amounts for varying times depending in the application.

This bread pan was heavily perforated on the bottom, hot blended pulp was scooped into the pan as a liquid. Some of the water was shaken out gently, then the wood press was placed into the pan. Turned on edge the pan, press, and bottom board would just fit into my large vise. Turing the vise made the water pour out and press the board, which could be tapped out of the mold immediately to dry. Photo by Bill Bridges.

These pressed boards are 100% hemp pulp with no binder added.  Note how well the board went through a table saw. You would not believe how light this 4 X 8 X 3/4 inch board is. Photo by Bill Bridges.

Various hemp boards home made for the Museum. Top, a 2 X 2 inch first board was not so strong, the brown board is coated with hemp glue. The middle board was equipped with a drawer handle. It drilled and held the screws perfectly. Photo by Bill Bridges.

The three left balls are made of hemp pulp.  The ball on the right is of Styrofoam, which could be replaced by the lightweight hemp ball to its left.  Lower left ball is hemp cement and lower right ball is hemp pulp with Elmer's white glue. Photo by Bill Bridges.

The Curator made several hundred of these pulp disks, that he gave away on his travels. Diameter 1 1/4 inch X 1/4 inch thick.

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