

No one has ever died from hemp consumption, recreational or otherwise. In contrast, alcohol and tobacco kill 150,000 and 450,000 Americans each year, respectively. Generally, hemp relaxes you while promoting a heightened awareness and a healthy appetite, thus helping to protect against stress-related illnesses. THC crystals on the marijuana flower (shown left) reflect the light from the camera flash.

The original San Francisco Cannabis Buyers Club location. On a very, very quiet day, during its long and effective run, staring Dennis Peron. I was there and saw the patients come and smoke the medicine and get some genuine relief and care giving. It's not over yet, but here is where the medical revolution started. Hemp Museum postcard.
The late Pres. Bob and the American Cannabis Society.  He believed in the hemp medicine. Hello, Colorado!  Hemp to your health.

Alcohol is important in the health and hemp section for two reasons.  First, alcohol was a prohibited substance and so could provide a precedent to consider, and Secondly, hemp medicine provides a much safer recreational high and  according to the literature, helps in the alcohol recovery stage. A modern sticker of medical use.  Sometimes we have to order the doctors to do the right thing, by safely helping patients.   Cannabis is safe medicine.

The Museum truck spreading the word on stress reduction for adults.  "A Spliff A Day -Keeps the Doctor Away." The California law heard around the world.  Eight states have now passed some kind of medical marijuana bill.

Do medical Cannabis users have a right to smile?  We all have the right to smile, one of our inalienable (non-transferable) rights.  And if one of the Creator's flowers makes you feel better, by eating it, and you smile, whose business is it? The initiative process proved itself valuable in checking Governor Wilson of California, who was not in tune with the Legislature or the people on the subject of medical marijuana, which he vetoed on several occasions.

Proposition 215.  Legal marijuana for some, but not the farmer. CALIFORNIA:  Compassionate Use.  There happened to be millions of compassionate  Californians.

1976 poster for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. THE AMERICAN MEDICAL MARIJUANA MOVEMENT brochure.  San Francisco, California.


ROLLING STONE article: Facing the Truth -The Government's Marijuana Report. SCIENCE NEWS article: Marijuana Maelstrom.

NEWSWEEK cover articles, The Battle Over Marijuana:  Is It Medicine?  And The Risks of Legalization. Let's end the battle right now! Just re-legalize it! Doctor's prescription for medical marijuana from Rotterdam, Holland for Todd McCormick who is now in jail for a federal charge of cultivation of (too much) medicine.

The Elvy Buck from Lawrence, Kansas, honoring hemp activist Elvy Musikka.  "I'd go blind without hemp,"  said Elvy in court.  The judge agreed and she now gets marijuana from the federal government. Pot label from Arizona, from a Curator's 6-pack of Cannabis flowers.

"Only a cold-hearted bully would keep medicine from a critically ill patient."

Pot label from the 1980's.

"PREPARE FOR TAKE-OFF,"  from the series called FLYING LESSONS.


Suggestive medical theme pot label from the 1980's.

"WHATEVER GETS YOU THROUGH THE NIGHT!" Pot label from the 1980's. Really good for depression. A related cause in the drug war is helping keep others healthy despite themselves.

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