
The following paragraph is from THE BOOK OF GRASS, and is by Alexander Trocchi, titled "Marihuana and Sex:"

"Experts agree that marihuana has no aphrodisiac effect, and in this as in a large percentage of their judgments they are entirely wrong. If one is sexually bent, if it occurs to one that it would be pleasant to make love, the judicious use of the drug will stimulate the desire and heighten the pleasure immeasurably, for it is perhaps the principle effect of marihuana to take one more intensely into whatever experience.

I should recommend its use in schools to make the pleasures of poetry, art, and music available to pupils who, to the common detriment of our civilization, are congenitally or by infection insensitive to symbolic expression.  It provokes a more sensual (or aesthetic) kind of concentration, a detailed articulation of minute areas, an ability to adopt play postures. What can be more relevant in the act of love?"

Yes, Yes, Oh, Yes! The Sexual Power of Marijuana. By Barbara Lewis. 1970. An intimate report on the sex lives of marijuana users.

The Modern Drug Encyclopedia and Therapeutic Guide, by Jacob Gutman, M.D., 1934. Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. New York. Under Chapter II, EFFECTIVE PREPARATIONS, is listed the following preparations:

A. CANNABIN COMPOUND (Stoddard Co.) Aphrodisiac.

Each tabletre presents Gr Gm
Extract cannabis 1/6 0.012
Zinc phosphide 1/8 0.008
Strychnine phosphate 1/38 0.001
Extract quassia 1/32 0.002

Action and Uses: As aphrodisiac in sexual impotence, neurasthenia, alcoholism.
Supply: CANNABIN COMPOUND -Tablets - Bottles 100, 500, and 1,000.
Administration: 1 tablet four times daily, increased to 2, four times daily.

Sex, Drugs and Aphrodisiacs. By Adam Gottlieb. 1974. See Cannabis. "Marijuana both stimulates and relaxes the mind and body, and puts the user in a mood for hedonistic pleasures. It does not remove inhibitions to the point of irresponsibility."

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