
COLLIER'S: The National Weekly. 1912. Cover.

LIFE MAGAZINE: MARIJUANA - At least 12 million Americans have now tried it. Are penalties too severe? Should it be legalized? October 31, 1969! Thirty-two years later, untold billions spent, millions of families wrecked, millions with criminal records, and we are still asking the same questions. Why? The Hemp Museum Curator and the Hemp Museum are in this issue of High Times as Freedom Fighter of the Month. Thanks to High Times.
Hemp Times. NATIONAL REVIEW. "The War on Drugs is Lost."
NEWSWEEK, Marijuana: The Pot Problem. July 24, 1967. THE NATION. Beyond Legalization: New Ideas for Ending the War on Drugs.
The HIGH TIMES issue in 1974, reporting the legalization of pot smoking and growing in Alaska. This was based on the right to privacy and is still the law in Alaska. Holland publication focusing on hemp.
Popular German magazine reporting on the legalization of hash (Cannabis) in German states. The ATLANTIC MONTHLY. "Reefer Madness: Did you think marijuana had been all but legalized? Not so. Though there aren't enough cells for violent criminals, marijuana smokers and small-time dealers are going to prison by the thousands...sometimes for LIFE."

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